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Big Inner Pussy Lips


The vulva is the outer part of the female genitals. The vulva includes the opening of the vagina (sometimes called the vestibule), the labia majora (outer lips), the labia minora (inner lips), and the clitoris.

Big Inner Pussy Lips

Around the opening of the vagina, there are 2 sets of skin folds. The inner set, called the labia minora, are small and hairless. The outer set, the labia majora, are larger, with hair on the outer surface. (Labia is Latin for lips.) The inner and outer labia meet, protecting the vaginal opening and, just above it, the opening of the urethra (the short tube that carries urine from the bladder). The Bartholin glands are found just inside the opening of the vagina -- one on each side. These glands produce a mucus-like fluid that acts as a lubricant during sex.

The outer skin surface (squamous epithelial layer) of the labia minora is thin and delicate. Irritation and inflammation can cause the outer skin to become exposed and raw. The two raw lips then heal together in much the same way as any skin cut might heal. Usually, the labia start to fuse at the bottom end (posterior fourchette), closest to the anus, and work up towards the clitoris. Labial adhesions are more common during the nappy years. Poor hygiene is thought to be a common cause in older girls. Low oestrogen levels (hypo-oestrogenism) are also thought to contribute to the development of labial adhesions. The condition resolves during puberty because the effect of the female hormone oestrogen changes the cells that line the genitals.

The vulva includes the inner lips (labia minora) and outer lips (labia majora), the clitoris, and the vaginal opening. Labia can be long or short, wrinkled or smooth, dark or light. One side is often longer than the other, consistent with the asymmetry of most body parts. The exterior of the clitoris can be pea-sized or as big as a thumb.

I think my vagina lips are not normal. My inner lips are way way bigger then my outer ones! It wasn't like that when I was little! It really bugs me. I won't even let my boyfriend touch me there, cause I'm afraid he will think I'm not normal or something. My boyfriend has asked me if I wanted to have sex but I turned him down because of this. Is my vagina normal?

Is it normal to have long inner vagina lips? Do guys like longer inner lips? Mine are about half an inch longer than the outer ones. All the vaginas I've seen, the inner lips are hidden by the outer ones, and mine aren't..I'm really embarrassed..PLEASE HELP!!!!

Those flippety-floppety sea anemone-lookin' bits surrounding the vaginal opening, urethra and clitoris, and inside the furry outer labia are the inner labia. And for plenty of people, that's exactly what they look like (save that they don't tend to be in grayscale).

Neither set of labia are unimportant or irrelevant. Both sets help to keep the vagina clear of bacteria and other yuckies, which helps us stay healthy. Inside our outer labia are the vestibular bulbs and crura, or legs, of one of the parts of our clitoris which is internal. The outer labia and inner labia also both swell and become more sensitive when we're sexually excited, and which provide a source of sexual sensation for us and our partners. The inner labia also have sebaceous glands which play a part in lubrication with sex.

It's normal for inner labia to extend past the outer labia and be visible in some or all postures (sitting, standing, lying down, what have you). It's also normal for them not to. Like every other body part, vulvas vary.

But since everyone always seems to be very attached to the idea of having "normal" labia and curious about what's most common in terms of size, on average, inner labia are around 3/4s of an inch long to over two inches long at the longest point. Even finding those averages is tough, since nearly any medical gynecological reference book you pick up -- whether for healthcare providers or patients -- tends to mention little about labial size or appearance, other than how diverse that is or when discussing earnest problems, such as injuries, adhesions, sores, cysts or other aspects of possible illness or disease. That's mostly because from a sexual health and a sexuality standpoint, what healthy inner labia look like or what size they are makes no difference whatsoever.

Too, not unlike the penis, that size or appearance isn't completely static: often, big-time sexual arousal will cause the whole of our vulva, including both sets of labia, to swell and increase slightly in size. Even figuring out how a person could measure inner labia is tricky, since the shape of a lot of labia is irregular, shorter in one place, longer in another, which is also normal. It's not unusual for labia to come in different shapes: some labia are very frilly-looking, while others are smoother around the edges. Some labia will seem about the same size from top to bottom, while others will be shorter in some portions and longer in others.

Variances happen because we don't all have the exact same genetics, nor the same hormonal levels or pacing as we develop before and after we're born. In terms of what color, texture or size they will ultimately be, that has to do with those unique genetics and hormones. Our labia are not fully developed when we're born, just like we're not born with a set of fully developed breasts. They change during our lives. It should also be noted that with inner labia that extend past the outer labia, it is more common to have labia be darker around the edges or more textured.

While we're at it, it's normal for the inner labia (as well as the inside of the outer labia) not to be perfectly smooth. Some lumpy-bumpy texture is normal and common. Sometimes parts of the vulva tend to resemble chicken skin, just like often parts of the penis or scrotum do.

Some of this probably has to do with the fact that a lot of people just don't even see other's labia, and if and when they do, it's the same kind of passing, locker room comparison that doesn't provide a real look. When we're just walking around, even naked in a locker room, we're not likely to see more than the mons or outer labia, even on people whose inner labia peek out when sitting or standing.

Labia stretching, also referred to as labia elongation or labia pulling, is the act of lengthening the labia minora (the inner lips of the female genitals) through manual manipulation (pulling) or physical equipment (such as weights).[1] It is a familial cultural practice in parts of Eastern and Southern Africa,[2] and a body modification practice elsewhere. It is performed for sexual enhancement for the benefit of both partners, aesthetics, symmetry and gratification.[1]

The early recordings of the results of the practice are perhaps among the Khoisan peoples of southern Africa, where the inner labia were seen to be several centimeters longer than the outer labia.[citation needed] When Captain James Cook reached Cape Town in 1771, towards the end of his first voyage, he acknowledged being "very desirous to determine the great question among natural historians, whether the women of this country have or have not that fleshy flap or apron which has been called the Sinus pudoris"; eventually a physician described treating patients with labia ranging from half an inch to three or four inches.[10]

1. Labia Minora: The inner lips can be made smaller, irregular shape or contour improved, and differences in size of the two lips corrected. Our techniques preserve natural pigmentation of the labia edges, with virtually no visible scarring.View Labia Minora Reduction Photos

3. Labia Majora: The outer lips can be made less puffy by liposuction or surgical excision. Drooping or sagging is corrected by skin removal, or plumped by fat injection.View Labia Majora Reduction & Mons Pubis Contouring Photos

You may notice a round bulge on one of your vaginal lips, near the opening of the vagina. It may be painless or slightly tender. It may stay the same size or may slowly grow larger. Cysts that get infected are usually very tender. They usually appear quickly. In more severe cases, walking or sexual intercourse may be painful.

The injury can cause damage to the outer genitals. In women, this is the vulva. It includes the outer and inner labia and the clitoris. In men, this includes the scrotum, testes, and penis. The groin area will likely be bruised, bleeding, and painful. The injury can also damage the tube that sends urine out of the body (urethra), especially for men. A straddle injury may also hurt the area between the genitals and the anus called the perineum. Severe injury can cause breaks in bones in the pelvis. Falling on a sharp object can cause more severe damage to the area and damage to internal tissues, such as the vagina or rectum.

Few women report experiencing pleasurable sensations from inner labia piercings, so they are normally just ornamental and worn for their visual appeal. Though not particularly functional for the wearer, they can still be very enjoyable to have, and many find piercings of this area to be especially beautifying and empowering.

The inner labia tissue is frequently shaped much like an earlobe, and a traditional placement for a single piercing is at the visual center of this "lobe." However, any spot along the lip is acceptable as long as the piercing is located at least 3/8" from the edge of your tissue--and the jewelry will rest in a way that is comfortable. Additionally, the piercing must not be placed deeper than the natural fold line where the lip forms from the body.

You may enjoy the sensation of tugging on healed inner labia piercings or wearing weights, bells, or charms; however, these activities usually result in enlarging the holes because the tissue is so thin and stretchy. Twelve-gauge jewelry is a safe minimum if you want to wear extra weight or play with your jewelry in this way. 2ff7e9595c

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